Canal & Rivers Trust
The Canals and Rivers Trust look after 2,000 miles of waterways in England and Wales. They are the landlords of Killington Reservoir.

Co-operatives UK
Co-operatives UK works to promote, develop and unite co-operative enterprises.

Ellergreen Hydro
Ellergreen Hydro is a UK focussed small hydro power developer and service provider.

Sundog Energy
Sundog has been leading the solar revolution since 1995 and we have installed tens of thousands of solar PV panels across the UK – from Village Halls to Railway Stations and from Cumbrian Cottages to the London 2012 Olympic site.

Lake District National Park
The Canals and Rivers Trust and the Lake District National Park Authority are the landlords of Killington Reservoir and the National Park HQ at Murley Moss, respectively. Without their careful consent and lease considerations neither project would have launched. Their commitment to community energy and the long term prosperity of Cumbria have been critical. www.canalrivertrust.org.uk; www.lakedistrict.gov.uk

Cumbria Action for Sustainability
Registered charity CAfS has been crucial in the development of CEC Ltd, providing a £15,000 development loan to set up and launch the projects. It has also provided a ‘Working Group’ to advise the project as well as providing administration to manage the first share issue. CAfS has been delivering practical sustainability projects since 1998, and so the development of CEC Ltd fits closely with CAfS’ aims of enabling Cumbria to move closer towards a zero carbon society. www.cafs.org.uk